City of South Haven, MN


List of Local Businesses

Add a sentence or two that provides context to your business directory/listing. 

For example, "Listing local businesses on our website is done as a courtesy to the business owners and for the convenience of our citizens.  We do not advertise any business on this website."





Name: Agave 1 Mexican Restaurant 
Business Type: Mexican Family style
Address: 500 Custer Street, South Haven, MN 55382
Phone: 320-236-3045
Web Address:

Name: Bedrock Bar & Grill
Business Type:
Address: 430 Oak Ave South Haven, Mn 55382
Phone: 320-236-5151
Web Address

Name: South South Haven Sports
Business Type: Gas/Fuel & Bait Shop
Address: 441 Custer Street, South Haven, MN 55382
Phone: 320-236-7613
Web Address:


Official Website of South Haven, MN